Friday, January 12, 2007

First Post

I've been starting to feel left behind by the unfaltering conquest of the "Technology Age." I mean, it's 2007 and I've never written a single blog. I'm from a simpler time when Commodore 64's ruled the gaming community, and the internet was little more than a twinkle in Al Gore’s eye. Today, in a world full of PS3's and Segways, the most advanced piece of electronic gadgetry I own is the green iPod mini I got for free at work. But all of that is about to change…

I've recently married my favorite person in the world, Bethany. We’re just starting out and don’t have much money, so although I’m as fascinated as the next guy with all the shiny new electronics rolling out this year, I doubt I’ll be buying any of them. Blogging is free, so this will have to be my single lifeline to the information superhighway. It’ll also be a good way for me to update my family and friends with news and pictures about me and Beth’s adventures together.

Until next time…

1 comment:

Michael said...

Even us old timers can be tech blog!