Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My nephew

Here's a pic of my cute little nephew, Cameron...Kathy and Brian's pride and joy. He's a spunky little guy and always happy. Beth and I were visiting them a few weeks ago and he was sick for part of our trip. Even so, he wasn't fussy at all. Even when Kath keeps him up late, he has a smile on his face until his head hits the pillow...and I do mean "hits." For some strange reason, when Cameron gets really tired, he bangs his head against the bottom of his crib. We had to actually put extra padding in his pack-n-play when he came here because he would constantly bang his head at night. Maybe it's the Beethoven they play for him every night...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's the cutest baby i've ever seen!!!! He must take after his grandparents (Ellis). Besides his fabulous looks he is also as smart as a tac. That comes from his grandma.