Thursday, June 7, 2007

an angry American

In President Bush’s 10-minute speech regarding the “Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill” the other day, he mentions three times that illegal aliens are doing jobs “Americans aren't doing.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! That’s the same line we’ve been fed by liberals for years! It’s a lie forged to convince us that we need illegals in order for our economy and our society to continue. Nothing could be further from the truth. I’ve known plenty of Americans who are perfectly willing to build houses, lay tile, and dig holes for a living!

Sadly, however, we do need the millions of illegals that have overrun our country. Not so that our apples can be picked or our floors can be tiled, but so that our corrupted politicians can continue to tout the broken Social Security System as the “be all end all” for anyone and everyone’s retirement needs. Without the flood of new workers putting money into the system, it could never provide the funds for all the people currently being supported.

I am so sick of the political feces being flung around from press conference to press conference, and being smeared all over the newspapers from L.A. to Boston! Are there no men walking capitol hill? Have they all abandoned truth and justice for popularity and a larger voting base? What’s worse is that I don’t see any hope on the horizon. Everyone is choosing a side right now for the ’08 election, but does no one realize that all of the candidates are just spewing the same political garbage we’ve been hearing in every political campaign for the last 20 years? There are no fiscally conservative conservatives anymore. I don’t think our current President has ever met a spending bill that he didn’t like. Whatever happened to the smaller government and the fiscal responsibility that he campaigned on? I guess everyone figures that a larger budget is ok while they’re in office because, after all, they’re doing good things with it…unlike that last administration!

Listen to this quip by President Bush:

“One of the great things about our country, we just had the capacity to welcome people throughout our history.
And we've become all Americans. We've got different backgrounds, different heritages, our forefathers may have spoken different languages, but we're all American. We've been able to assimilate under the -- under the -- under the laws and traditions of our country. As a result, we're a stronger nation for it.
America must not fear diversity. We ought to welcome diversity. We ought to have confidence in what we have done in the past and not lose confidence about what we will do in the future.”

What is he talking about? We mustn’t fear diversity? We’ve all become Americans? Are you kidding me?

First of all, I don’t consider anyone an American that assembles under a foreign flag on our soil. Secondly, do you really think you’re fooling anyone by turning this into a racial issue?


It has everything to do with national security! How is that hard to understand?

(Brief interlude for impending aneurysm.)

I’m really not just “Bush-bashing” here. I think he’s done an admirable job with the War on Terror and the increased cooperation of intelligence centers during his administration; but I cannot over look the gravely dangerous position that he has taken in regard to our borders. It saddens me deeply that our great country has stooped so low as to allow amnesty for illegal aliens.

And make no mistake - despite what our great politicians may say, this bill is about nothing but amnesty.

Thanks for letting me vent!

1 comment:

RhodeDog said...

Hey - didn't know you had this up and running.

You hit the nail on the head man. I'm conservative too, but lately - he has been irking me.