Iraqi-town, New Mexico
We need to get out of Iraq and re-deploy our troops NOW, right? I mean, after all, there is no link between Iraq and our true enemies, Al-Qaida. All of those guys are over in Afghanistan and stuff, right? So let’s take our troops back over there, because we have no business being in Iraq!
Well, as I found in this article, Khalid Abdul Fatah Da'ud Mahmud Al Mashadani knows differently. He’s the highest ranking Iraqi Al-Qaida leader…that is, until he was captured in Mosul two weeks ago. Al Mashadani has apparently indicated that Bin Laden has considerable control over the Iraqi chapter of their organization.
So, even though this is now common knowledge, why is there still such an outcry from the left to “bring our troops home?” The answer is simple: they hate our troops. I don’t buy the “We support the troops, just not the war” rhetoric. They hate the war, they hate our troops, and they hate the Commander-in-Chief. They cannot stand to see a victory for any of them because that might rally America behind this administration, and that could be devastating to the left’s chances of winning elections next year. They cannot wait to pull out of Iraq and paint it as a lost war…the Vietnam of the 21st century. You can hear the glee in their wretched voices whenever another casualty report comes out. It disgusts me.
On a lighter note, the FBI has released a report about an operation based in Chaparral, New Mexico that has been smuggling Iraqis and other Middle Easterners across our border for over a year. They used to smuggle Mexicans, but quickly learned that the Iraqis had more money. They regularly charge $20,000 to $25,000 a head. (I’m sure none of these guys have had their way paid by a terrorist state or organization...I’m sure they’re all hard-working Middle Easterners who just want a better life for their families.) Ted Kennedy really needs to propose a bill that will make the FBI loosen up on these poor global citizens!
Of course you realize that we need these guys to come over here and do jobs that Americans won’t do, e.g. fly planes into buildings, car bomb cafés, suicide bomb schools…
Well, you posted it twice, and I read it twice. Each time, it was dead-on.
I love a good rant.
Watch the news this morning? This guy they caught was an actor. Nice one.
The guy they caught, al-Mashhadani is real. As stated in the article, al-Baghdadi is the actor, and he is the fictional leader of the Islamic State of Iraq, which is a "front organization that masks the foreign influence and leadership within Al Qaeda in Iraq." They were using him to try to hide the fact that Bin Laden is the true leader of the Iraqi Al Qaeda group.
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